Thanks for visiting HamHub UK – a new type of online community to help support UK radio amateurs.
On this site, you’ll find pages for the UK’s main regions, discussion forums and links to top websites, radio clubs, communities and the big names in UK ham radio.
NEW TO HAM RADIONew to ham radio? Looking to get your first licence? Let us point you in the right direction. | EXISTING RADIO HAMSAlready got a licence? Looking to get more from the hobby? We offer some help and advice. |
REGIONSGet in touch with local hams and make solid connections. Our regional pages are here for you. | FORUMSWant to talk about amateur radio? Got a question to ask? Visit our forum and get chatting. |
TUTOR SUPPORTSkills development is key to getting people on-air & sticking with it. Share your ideas. | CLUB SUPPORTIf you’re involved with running a ham radio club, share your ideas with others in the same boat. |
Please take a look around, give our forums a try, and suggest any great content that you find along the way, to help grow the site.