Can I inherit a family member’s callsign?

A question asked by one of our site visitors: “My father used to be into ham radio, I was wondering if I got my licence, would I be able to get his callsign?”

The answer is “yes”, but there are some additional hurdles, as follows:

UK Ham Radio Licence

Let’s assume your father (or grandfather) had the callsign G3QQQ. That’s a UK “Full” callsign, so to get it, you’d have to have passed the “Full” exam, and you’d also be required to prove that you have a valid claim on that callsign.

The process for inheriting a callsign is as follows:

  • Pass the appropriate amateur radio exam
  • Contact Ofcom and apply for the old callsign
  • Provide proof – potentially the old paperwork for the G3QQQ callsign, and proof that you’re a descendant (a written letter to Ofcom)

Note that you can’t hold two callsigns for the same licence level, so if you already own M0ABC and want to inherit G3QQQ, you would have to give up M0ABC.

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  1. Tanya Lindsay


    I would like to have my dad’s old callsign, but not to use it.
    There was only one of him and I think that it is unfair that you would have to give up your own callsign, to be able to keep his callsign in the family.
    It would be like falsifying his history with that callsign. Example as to, national insurance numbers, you are that number. No one else will have it.
    My dad has a proud history with his callsign, with being a president of the FOC twice. I would not like someone to have taken his callsign and be associated with my dad’s own personal lifetime achievements. I’m not sure if there is anything that can be forwarded to OFCOM, stating these facts of historical and family interest into SK family member callsigns. I think that callsigns are a personal thing. Also, I disagree with callsigns that can be changed willy-nilly every couple of years. It defeats the object of conserving callsigns when there not many left in that particular set. Why waste callsigns?? They want to stop the vanity callsigns, when really they are making it easier for people just to swap in and out of callsigns.
    Leave SK callsigns as to their old owners or vanity for family members only. Stop this stupidty of swapping callsigns.

    Could a petition to OFSTED about this subject be raised by amateurs? Maybe to try to change the minds of the hierarchy at OFSTED.

    With regards
    Tanya Lindsay

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