UK Amateur Radio Magazines

in the UK, there are two monthly magazines, as follows:

  • Radcom – This is the RSGB’s monthly magazine, sent to members of the RSGB. Membership to RSGB at time of writing is £52
  • Practical Wireless – This is available at selected larger newsagents, and also available on subscription – an electronic version is also available

Radcom & Practical Wireless

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  1. James Brown


    I have a 17 meter telescopic radio mast to sell can it be advertised on your magazine .

  2. Robin Chambers


    Hi ,I have three trailer masts for sale ,all need slight refurb to cables and winches but rest is good,they are Radio Structures TM60,TM80 and TM 100 10 ,20,and 30 Mtrs high,would this be something your members may be interested in?
    Regards Robin.

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