About HamHub UK
HamHub UK launched in December 2021 as something of an experiment – the idea of a single “hub” that can be used to share information between other members of the radio community.
Ham radio is all about communication and sharing, but traditionally, that’s always been challenging. The idea behind the “hub” concept is to connect people together with other like-minded people, or to signpost links to handy and relevant resources.

For the first version of this new hub, we’ll be linking to the following:
- Top sites around the UK by category
- Websites of radio hams with something to say
- Movers and shakers in the various UK regions
We’d also like to stimulate discussion, with several forums covering all different types of topics:
- Getting started
- Getting more from the hobby
- Help and support for clubs and trainers
- Seperate discussion groups for the various UK regions
We also want to be active on social networks, sharing important activities and information. We can be found on the following:
It’s all a bit of an experiment, so please bear with us!
If you’ve got any feedback, please contact us, or if there’s something we should add, submit your content