Ham Radio UK Magazines

In the UK there are two magazines dedicated to amateur radio:

Practical Wireless

Practical Wireless

This monthly magazine has been running for 90 years, with various editors, and is the UK’s number one magazine for amateur radio. The magazine’s current editor is Don Field, a passionate and active radio amateur. Looking at a typical issue of Practical Wireless, here’s what’s on offer:

News, building an SDR, Yaesu handheld review, the face behind the callsign, project ideas, Apollo 11 orbital dynamics, capacitance meter, Morse mode, HF highlights, the world of VHF, 10GHz beacon, Morse from Moscow, Virtual Audio Cables, amateur radio on a budget (ATUs), notes from a small station, circuit tutorial (Kirchoff’s Law), rallies, letters page.

Availability: Selected newsagents, by postal subscription and as a digital magazine

Details: www.radioenthusiast.co.uk

Pages: The average magazine is around 72 pages.

Cost: As of January 2022, the price is £4.99 per issue (or £3.92 on subscription)

Don Field, editor of Practical Wireless, at the National Hamfest


This monthly magazine is only available to members of the RSGB. Looking at a typical issue, here’s what’s on offer:

News, ATUs (two articles), Royal Signals Museum trailer project, SDR transceiver review, servicing a valve receiver, EMC, summit party, power amp design, transatlantic tests of the 1920s, Churches on the Air, LF, HF, VHF/UHF, GHz band, Book reviews, Data modes, Contesting, 46-ele Yagi, Around Your Region (local club events), propagation prediction table

Availability: Posted monthly to subscribers

Details: RSGB Radcom

Pages: The average magazine is around 100 pages.

Cost: As of January 2022, the price for membership to RSGB is £52 a year

Radio User

An honourable mention for the third radio magazine in the UK – Radio User. This is not a dedicated amateur radio magazine, but covers all of the various aspects of UK radio, including broadcast, SWL (listening), marine as well as occasional snippets of amateur radio.

Availability: Selected newsagents, by postal subscription and as a digital magazine

Details: www.radioenthusiast.co.uk

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