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    Are you sure this test has the correct answers? I took it for fun to see how much I remembered but there’s a couple I don’t understand how it has marked them wrong and need checking – maybe the coding has a bug?

    https://imgur.com/VZgkXCN – (warning it contains potential spoilers to the quiz) Question #9

    The answer for Q9 is obviously the last one which I selected, it has highlighted the first one as the correct one (which is exactly the opposite of the correct answer) and said I was wrong, but then describes the correct answer as the one I gave in the text underneath.

    https://imgur.com/MPKPjUI. Question #20

    Same here, says wrong but then describes the answer I had given as the correct one… or am I missing something?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by MZeroXMZ.