Welcome Forums Preparedness Go Bags

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    • #879
      Paul G7BHE

        We’d love for you to share how you have stocked your Go Bags.

      • #1345

          Not really a “Go Bag” as such, but a thrown together “take bag” for a recent holiday. In the UK, where are we really going to “Go” and why, is a question I’ve asked myself recently when thinking of excuses to buy more radio gear.

          5.11 AMP 24 (32 Litre awesome but a bit pricey rucksack)
          Xiegu X6100 and SOTAbeams bandspringer midi EFRW. (BUT pack the charger cable next time you fool!!)
          Yaesu FT5DE, plus spare battery and charger
          Handcrank charger (13 x 8 x 9 centimetres) does 3/5/6/9/12/15V – novelty or “real” emergency use only as it is tedious but works!
          SOTAbeams Tactical 7000hds portable mast (7m)

          For the car, Allpowers 500W/164Ah battery pack and 100W solar panel

        • #1504

            Now that’s a pricey bag!!

            Would one like the one below be any good? Reviews seem good and it’s a 45 litre also:

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