Welcome Forums New Here? Introduce Yourself! Hello from Malton North Yorkshire

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    • #1587

        Hi my name is Alonza.
        I live in a small town called malton which is in between York and Scarborough.
        My callsign is 2e0eay.
        My interest are radio and photography,i’m mainly use FT8 and ft4.
        I have two radios both Yaesu FTDX1200 and the 991a.

        • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Alan1965.
      • #1589

          welcome Alonza

          if you have a outdoor antenna for VHF/UFH on the ((1a try listening for the ISS ( international space station) 437.800Mhz FM

          if you look at https://www.n2yo.com/satellite/?s=25544#results for information on times look at https://www.n2yo.com/passes/?s=25544 so long as max elevation is above about 40 degrees you should hear some QSO’s when it is overhead

          as the ISS approaches its frequency will be 6-9Khz higher, and once its passed overhead it will be 6-9Khz lower due to dopler shift

          you can even pick it up on a little Baofeng UV5r handheld, which is fun to listen as you watch it go overhead if its a visible pass on a clear evening

          other fun digital modes are PSK31, RTTY and olivia, all of which can be found in the FLDigi software have a look at https://www.qsl.net/m0pwx/modes-and-freq.htm


          Peter M0PWX (not M0PSX who runs this site)

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