Welcome Forums HamHub Ideas & Suggestion ne member intro section

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 years ago by M0PWX.
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    • #959

        Hi Pete

        How about a new member intro section?

        With a pinned & locked post with a rough format of suggested info to include like

        Rough area of member (county or nearest large town is fine)
        When did they pass (level) or if they are studying?
        Areas of interests (data, SSTV, QRP data (WSPR / QRSS), voice, CW, sats etc)
        Rig (if they have one)
        Antenna (if they have one)
        Why did they become interested in radio?
        Anything else they think is relevant

        On other forums I use its a good ice breaker and starts a lot of discussion


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