Welcome Forums Study Group Training providers and exam tips

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    • #679

        @pete (M0PSX)

        a few pinned topics for training providers for each level with links would be a good idea with a way to get new providers added to the lists

        also a list of exam tips

        the main training providers i used were

        Hamtrain / Essex Ham for foundation (you may know that one 🙂 )

        GM6DX (billy) https://gm6dx.thinkific.com/ for my intermediate exam

        Cornish amateur radio club Youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/CornishRadioAmateurClubTraining) for my full exam

        the one thing i found was moving from foundation to intermediate quickly was a good idea as much of the content in the intermediate exam was the same as foundation, just in a bit more detail, so moving straight on meant i was only topping up my knowledge rather than having to start again

        the RSGB exam guides and exam secrets book is also a useful resources as it has many more example questions with the answers

        also the RSGB practice exams (some now have worked examples and answers to explain why the answer is correct

        when you have done the practice exams sit down with the questions you guessed or didn’t know and work through WHY the answer in the sheet was correct, licensing ones you can normally find a single line or paragraph which is word for word the same as an answer, so get used to using the exam booklet

        enjoy your learning 🙂

      • #729
        Pete M0PSX

          Some great suggestions – many thanks. The main “landing page” for those studying will contain some of those links – see https://hamhub.uk/studying-for-your-licence/

          This section’s set to evolve and be driven by people who use it, so we’ll have to see where it goes.


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