Welcome Forums New Here? Introduce Yourself! Hello all hope you are looking bright!

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by M0PWX.
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    • #1643

        Hello everyone, in short I am glad that soon I will be back again after 40 years off! I have relocated and I am in the process of setting up station again.
        I will have to ask many questions and look forward in your help & reminders as I feel I will be in need of it!
        At the moment I am making a list and deciding on the equipment that I will need as I have nothing of my old setup left all was sold in bulk to ML&S …a dear young!! friend of mine, last I had was a Yaesu FT1000MP.
        73s for now
        Ciao ciao

      • #1647

          Welcome Back to the hobby a lot has changed in the last 40 years

          all sorts of digital modes (FT8/4,WSPR, QRSS, JS8 Call to name a few) the old RTTY and PSK31 are still around as is the original digital mode “CW”

          lots of new ideas around antenna designs as well

          and don’t forget we now bounce signals off satellites like the ISS with a ÂŁ30 baofeng and a handheld antenna 🙂

          and lots of online stuff like QRZ.com, eQSL so you don’t need paper logs now as so many online / computer based logging options

          so ask away any questions you have

          might be worth doing the EssexHam foundation course as a refresher and catch up on changes since you were last active on the air


          (not Pete M0PSX who runs this site)

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